
yeeman mui Taiko photographer Taso Papadakis 00296
[ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””][ms_accordion_item title=”Short Biography” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”open”]Yeeman “ManMan” Mui is a creative artist and acclaimed music educator. ManMan teaches at Los Angeles Taiko Institute, and performs and gives workshops to groups around the globe. Passioned by the fluidity residing in movement and propelled by the resonance of vocals and drums, she searches for the connection between body awareness and drumming, exploring the power of sound, and strives to forge new grounds of self-expression and empowerment through music making.

With her passion for bringing communities together through the joy of music and the power of taiko, she founded a parent-child taiko drumming program, Taiko Together for ages 2-6, and also offers a professional development program for music teachers and taiko practitioners titled Taiko FUNdamentals.

As a Taiko Center of the Pacific Fellow in 2012-2014 and performing member from 2013-2017, ManMan received extensive training with taiko artist Kenny Endo, Chizuko Endo and their ensemble. She has an MPhil in Musicology from the University of Hong Kong and is a certified Orff Schulwerk instructor (San Francisco International Orff Level I-III).

[/ms_accordion_item][ms_accordion style=”simple” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Long Biography” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”close”]Yeeman “ManMan” Mui is the founder and director of Taiko Together, a parent-child taiko drumming program for age 2-6 and their families. The program originally began in Honolulu, Hawaii in Spring 2013 under the name of “Taiko Tots.” Reaching over 200 families through the program to date.

ManMan’s work ranges from all inclusive, community building workshops to advanced technique and skills development training. After becoming a certified Orff instructor in 2013 (San Francisco International Orff Level I-III), she was inspired by the Orff approach to find new ways to develop the individual’s natural musicality. She combined her love for taiko with her enthusiasm to teach, through activities such as body percussion, singing and dancing to support and enhance taiko playing ability. Since 2015, she has also been traveling around the globe to deliver professional development workshops to music teachers, taiko instructors and group leaders.

ManMan currently resides in Los Angeles as a solo artist and works to promote inclusiveness in performing arts and music; something she is highly passionate about. Her study began in Hong Kong where she graduated from University of Hong Kong in 2010 with an MPhil in Musicology. In 2012-2014, she was awarded a fellowship to study with Kenny Endo at the Taiko Center of the Pacific (TCP) in Honolulu, Hawaii. She became a performing member and teacher for TCP from 2013-2017. She performed in various major concerts including ShastaYama (Mt. Shasta, CA August 2014) annual summer outdoor taiko and music festival in Mount Shasta’s Shastice Park at the base of majestic Mount Shasta; TEN TEN: Kenny Endo 40th Anniversary Celebration  (Honolulu, HI October 2015) coordinated the production and performed at the Hawaii Theatre for a feature length concert with various guests artists from mainland US and Japan. She assisted and performed in the theatrical development of the production Spall Fragments (Los Angeles, CA April 2015; June 2016; San Francisco, CA June 2016) that focused on the collision of hyper-masculinity in Japanese and American cultures through the art of taiko drumming, dancing, and acting.

ManMan has been collaborating with taiko artist and educator Kris Bergstrom especially on developing an innovative style on naname (slanted) style drumming. Performing in various school programs and concerts including an education program “How it’s Made: Mochi”, a hands-on lecture-demonstration of traditional and original methods of Japanese mochi -making. [/ms_accordion_item] [ms_accordion_item title=”Biography in Chinese” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”close”]雯雯於2010年修畢香港大學音樂學哲學碩士後,從事音樂教育及藝術工作,積極推動音樂藝術文化。2011至2013年完成三級奧福音樂教學證書課程,並連續兩年獲三藩市國際奧福音樂學院頒發奬學金。2012年移居夏威夷,獲Taiko Center of the Pacific 奬學金後跟隨名師Kenny Endo專研日本太鼓, 並於世界各地作演出及教學。
雯雯於檀香山及洛杉磯開辨親子太鼓音樂班”TAIKO TOTS” 及 “TAIKOTOGETHER”,教授2-6歲兒童認識及學習打奏太鼓。2015年11月於澳門以及2016年8月於美國洛衫機教授首個奧福鼓樂導師工作坊。她善於運用奧福教學法跟太鼓藝術互相融合,達致更全面及有效的學習效果。[/ms_accordion_item] [ms_accordion_item title=”Biography in Japanese” color=”” background_color=”” close_icon=”” open_icon=”” status=”close”]イーマン・ムイ(マンマン)は経験豊かな演奏者であり、教師としても高い評価を受けている。2012年から2013年までハワイの太鼓センターオブパシフィックの特別研究員として従事、その後2013年から2017年まで演奏メンバーとして活躍する。香港大学音楽哲学修士取得、オルフ・シュールヴェルク公認インストラクターとなる。現在はLATI(ロサンゼルス太鼓インスティチュート)で教鞭をとる傍ら、ソロアーティストとして演奏、ワークショップ開催など世界各地で躍進中。[/ms_accordion_item] [/ms_accordion]

Yeeman "ManMan" Mui